Saturday, December 4, 2010


Commodus as Hercules, Rome. c. 191-192 CE.

Giotto di Bondone. Marriage at Cana, Raising of Lazarus, Lamentation, and Resurrection. 1305-1306.

Donatello. David. 1450s or 1460s.

Lorenco Ghiberti. Jacob and Esau. c. 1435.

Fra Angelico. Annunciation. c. 1438-1445.

Paolo Uccello. The Battle of San Romano. 1438-1440.

Michelangelo. Pieta. c. 1500.

Jacopo da Pontormo. Deposition. 1525-1527.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini. David. 1623.

Caravaggio. The Taking of Christ. C. 1602.

Umberto Boccioni. Unique Forms of Continuity in Space.

It seems that most art coming out of Italy was created in accordance with political, religious, or social ideas.

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